Perfect for k12 students. More than 150 topics of exclusive production
Good citizenship is more important than ever
We are a multimedia tool dedicated to the teaching of civic education, citizenship training, ethics and financial education, allowing the teacher to teach and the student to learn, in an easy, dynamic and entertaining way.
Cívicamente it is a great support to your planning. You do not need to invest time in preparing educational material, everything is ready, just one click away.
The educational platform you deserve
Simple and entertaining for students
Available as a web platform and app installable on mobile devices.
More than 80% of students really understand the topics
A través de un contenido muy atractivo y separado en 4 simples pasos para aprenderlo de forma sencilla (video, texto, audio y trivia).
More than 40% of students participate even on weekends
Is there anything better than wanting to continue learning without doing it out of obligation?
Learning complex topics using an entertaining and dynamic approach
Multimedia content and micro-content allow learning in a much more effective way.
Friendly with the entire pedagogical team
Simple and intuitive, like using email.
A flexible and simple content planner
As easy as selecting the topics you like the most and choosing the month in which you want to publish them.
More than 150 resources ready to use, according to current times
We have developed the bases so that you can simply customize the citizen training plan according to what you need.
Detailed reports, with precise information
Evaluations on each topic with immediate results. Reports and progress indicators by establishment, course and student.
With Cívicamente... Who said that Civic Education is boring?
You will love the simplicity, dynamism and ease of our methodology
Multiple learning systems to learn through experience
We complement the audiovisual content (video + audio) with trivia dynamics to increase information retention and increase understanding, considering the three great learning systems: Visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
We use the game as a dynamic and participative element
Trivia and true/false dynamics. Right and wrong answers are instantly known. We reinforce student learning at all times, giving them scores for their participation and results.
Making mistakes is not a problem when you learn.
We use the motivation as a key factor during learning
A challenging, motivating and entertaining learning methodology. Students may be part of the civic knowledge ranking. They will receive awards, achievements and rewards, accompanied by knowledge and entertainment.
Achievements and rewards
Original and very attractive content
More than 150 exclusive and 100% original production themes available to complement learning/teaching.
Each theme is made up of text, video, audio and questions with trivia dynamics, grouped by levels.
We expand coverage and technological equity
We facilitate student access to the platform by using various devices to connect.
We leave no one behind. If there is no computer, you can install our App on a mobile device (Cellphone or Tablet) from Google Play and App Store.
One of the keys to the success of our innovative method is that we manage to transform complex themes into material entertaining and dynamic for the new generations.
Learn about the 12 topics most popular of the year 2024 taken by the students, until now.
La Igualdad
La igualdad es un derecho fundamental del ser humano, por el cual todas las personas tienen derecho a las mismas oportunidades.
La empatía
El concepto de empatía tiende a confundirse con el de simpatía, pero el primero hace referencia a una capacidad mientras que la simpatía se refiere a un proceso emocional que permite que percibamos los estados de ánimo del otro.
Autoestima es la valoración, percepción o juicio positivo o negativo que una persona hace de sí misma en función de la evaluación de sus pensamientos, sentimientos y experiencias.
El Impacto Ambiental
El Impacto Ambiental es la modificación del ambiente ocasionada tanto por la acción del hombre como de la naturaleza.
Se entiende por autocuidado la inclinación por facilitarnos atenciones a nosotros mismos. Como norma general, el autocuidado está dirigido a nuestra propia salud.
Los derechos y deberes Ciudadanos
Esta temática te ayudará a conocer los derechos que tienes como ciudadano o ciudadana y también los deberes (o responsabilidades) que debes asumir como retribución a estos derechos.
Los Derechos Humanos
Los derechos humanos son derechos inherentes a todos los seres humanos, sin distinción alguna de raza, sexo, nacionalidad, origen étnico, lengua, religión o cualquier otra condición.
Los Servicios Públicos
Un servicio público o institución pública es aquella que tiene por finalidad atender las necesidades de la población, como alumbrado, limpieza, salud y transporte, entre otros, razón por la cual es prestado generalmente por el Estado...
Hábitos de Vida Saludable
La salud es un estado completo de bienestar físico, mental y social; por eso, más que hablar de una vida hay que hablar de un estilo de vida saludable
La salud mental
Se puede definir como el estado de equilibrio emocional, cognitivo y conductual que permite a la persona desenvolverse de manera responsable en su entorno familiar, social y laboral, así como gozar de bienestar y calidad de vida.
Trabajo en Equipo
Un equipo de trabajo es un conjunto de personas que se organizan de una forma determinada para lograr un objetivo común.
Educación Cívica
La educación cívica es el estudio de los aspectos teóricos, políticos y prácticos de la ciudadanía, así como de sus derechos y deberes: los deberes de los ciudadanos entre sí como miembros de un cuerpo político.
Don't just take our word for it, read what they say in our community
Focused on the learning and well-being of communities
Use our proven methodology to teach civic education and school coexistence
Stop spending your valuable time preparing educational material. Make your classes easier, we have everything ready for you to leave whenever you want.
Your planning does not start from scratch
Our team of experts has developed the bases so that you can simply customize your citizenship training plan according to what you need.
Forget about correcting exams
We take care of providing you with real-time reports with progress indicators by establishment, course and student.
Attention of your students
Students with our platform pay attention, even when they don't need to, like on weekends, why? because it's entertaining. (40% of students enter on weekends voluntarily)