Citizen rights and duties

en Pedagogical content

What are citizen rights and duties?

The rights are guarantees that the constitutions of all countries ensure to their inhabitants by virtue of being men and living in society, and the duties are the responsibilities that we must assume in return for the rights. Compliance with these duties and responsibilities is essential to achieve and protect the common good of all members of the community and thus enable a fair and harmonious social coexistence.

Some of these rights are:

  • Right to life and physical and mental integrity of the person.

  • Equality before the law.

  • Respect and protection of the private life and honor of the person and their family.

  • Inviolability of the home and all forms of private communication.

  • Freedom of conscience.

  • Right to live in an environment free of pollution.

  • Right to health protection

  • Education rights.

  • Teaching freedom.

  • Freedom to express opinions and inform.

  • Right to meeting

  • Right to associate without prior permission.

  • Freedom of work and protection.

  • The right to social security.

  • Right of association.

  • Property rights.

  • Copyright.

  • Equal distribution of taxes in proportion to income

  • Right to develop any economic activity.


  • Every inhabitant of Chile owes respect to Chile and its national emblems.

  • Duty to honor the country, defend its sovereignty and contribute to preserving national security and the essential values of Chilean tradition.


Chileans who have reached the age of 18 and who have not been sentenced to afflictive punishment are citizens.

Being a citizen grants the rights to:

  • Suffrage.

  • Run for elected office.

Originally translated from our note in Spanish.

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